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LIPS Collection by Body of Angels

LIPS Collection by Body of Angels

100% Natural Herbs Lipstick by Body of Angels. Herbs like beetroot, lavender,... 

natural lotion, organic body butter, adam & eve, tea tree  shea butter  shea  scent  oils  NATURAL  lotion  LAVENDER  jojoba  herbs  facial  face  creme  cleanser  butter  BODYOFANGELS.COM  BODY OF ANGELS  body cream  body butter  body

Skin Care by Body of Angels

Skin Care by Body of Angels keeps your total wellbeing in mind.... 

Natural, Organic, Concealer, Body of Angels, Herbs, Mineral Makeup,; franincense, rose mary, tea tree, lavender, jojoba, oils, natural concealer, vegan, chemical frre, makeup; cleansing, youthful, herbs, formula

ALL Body of Angels Products

Always Quality. Always Luxurious. Always Beautiful. And with your wellness in mind......